Exposure & Opportunity
Our Sponsorship Program
What better way to get your brand in front of New York area hospitality industry professionals? Our sponsorships are designed to give your company the opportunity to exclusively showcase your business to our diverse membership, ensuring that your message doesn’t get lost in a multitude of competing communications.
Sponsorship Tiers
- On the Greater New York Chapter website, your company will:
- Be prominently featured on the HSMAI Greater New York Chapter website for six months with a link to your website.
- At the Greater New York luncheon programs, your company will:
- Appear on special Benefactors PowerPoint slide and be recognized by the Chapter President from the podium
- Receive special Benefactors ribbons on registration badges
- On the Greater New York Chapter website, your company will:
- Be prominently displayed on the HSMAI Greater New York Chapter website Partners page with a logo and link to your own company website
- At Greater New York luncheon programs, your company will:
- Receive one complimentary ticket
- Appear on special Benefactors PowerPoint slide and be recognized by the Chapter President from the podium
- Receive special Benefactors ribbons on registration badges
- Plus:
- One ticket to the annual Frank W. Berkman Tourism Achievement Awards Dinner. Are your customers raving about you on social media? Share their great stories to help turn potential customers into loyal ones.
- One-time use of the Greater New York Chapter Membership list for direct marketing purposes
- On the Greater New York Chapter website, your company will:
- Be prominently displayed on the Benefactors page with a logo and link to your own company website
- At Greater New York luncheon programs, your company will:
- Receive one complimentary ticket
- Appear on special Benefactors PowerPoint slide and be recognized by the Chapter President from the podium
- Receive special Benefactors ribbons on registration badges
- Be allowed one five-minute presentation on your product or service at a specific luncheon
- Plus:
- Two tickets to the annual Frank W. Berkman Tourism Achievement Awards Dinner
- Two-time use of the Greater New York Chapter Membership list for direct marketing purposes
- Ask us for more info!
The MARQUIS EVENT SPONSOR PROGRAM is designed to give your company the opportunity to exclusively showcase your product or service to our diverse membership.
We have a variety of programs available for sponsorship including luncheons, seminars and networking receptions. This program ensures your message doesn’t get lost in the multitude of competing communications. The Marquis Event Sponsorship program allows you to deliver your message directly to innovative industry leaders at our events.
Marquis Event Sponsorship includes:
- Two tickets to the sponsored program
- One draped 6’ display table located in the registration and/or networking area
- Listing as the EXCLUSIVE PROGRAM SPONSOR in all direct mail and email marketing promotions, both in advance and post-event communications
- Recognition from the podium by presiding Chapter leadership
- Live presentation to all attendees on your product or service at the start of the program
- Complete attendee list from your sponsored event with contact information for your follow-up
- Your company logo on the program PowerPoint presentation
- Please check our upcoming programs and plan to be a Marquis Sponsor this year!
(Sponsorships will be awarded on a first come, first served basis. Note, members have priority.)